Yonge Finch Chiropractic & Health Centre believes in the value of wellness care for you and your family and have maintained a pricing structure that is competitive for all budgets. We accept individuals who have sustained injuries as a result of motor vehicle accidents and WSIB cases along with standard walk-in clients. To learn more about our payment options, you can call our office directly.
OHIP Coverage
In 2004, coverage and reimbursement for chiropractic care was eliminated by the province of Ontario. In Ontario there is no coverage for chiropractic, acupuncture, massage therapy or nutritional / homeopathic services under the Provincial Health Plan.
Most insurance companies provide coverage and reimbursement for ancillary health care services including chiropractic, acupuncture, massage therapy, orthotics and/or nutrition / homeopathy. All of our practitioners are licensed to practice and registered health care providers. Payment is required once service is rendered. We will provide you with a receipt for the service you received which you will then send to your insurance provider with a claim form for reimbursement as per your coverage. Since there are so many plans and coverage varies widely, please review your insurance policy carefully in order to understand the details of your benefits.
Motor Vehicle Accident / WSIB
Like most insurance policies, motor vehicle accident (MVA) insurance is something you have, but tend not to investigate until you need it. Policies, coverage and amounts paid vary should an accident occur. Although no policy is complete, anyone injured in a MVA is entitled to certain benefits no matter who was at fault. In the rare case that neither party has insurance, the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund takes care of the injured party’s expenses.
Health concerns arise when an employee sustains a work-related injury even when there is no lost time from work, other than on the day of the accident, but medical attention from a chiropractor, physician, physiotherapist, massage therapist, acupuncurist and registered nurse is needed. The Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB) covers the health care costs resulting from the injury.
Appointment Cancellation Policy
Our goal is to provide quality health care in a timely manner. In order to do so we have had to implement an appointment cancellation policy. The policy enables us to better utilize available appointments for our patients in need of our medical care.
In order to be respectful of the medical needs of our clients, please be courteous and call our office promptly if you are unable to attend or need to change a scheduled appointment. Appointments are in high demand, and your early notice will give another person who is in urgent need of treatment access to our care in a timely manner.
We understand that sudden emergencies occur, however if for any reason you have to cancel or re-schedule your appointment with us, we require that you call the clinic 24 hours in advance to let us know about the change. If you fail to do so, we will unfortunately have to bill your account for the session that you had originally scheduled.
Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.